Opera Title



“The world was a dungeon, now this dungeon is the world.”

İzdüşümler (Projections) Poetic Historical Stories published by Kırmızı Kedi in Istanbul in 2018.

Published by the prestigious Kırmızı Kedi (Red Cat) in 2018 as a poetry book, İzdüşümler (Projections) is a mosaic of poetic historical stories focusing on historical figures such as Hammurabi, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, a Parthian war decision, Nero and Agrippina, Korean King Sejong, 17 th C Ottoman Sultan Mehmed IV. Girl/s in Hiding is about Anna Frank and a present day girl in the Middle East. Finally, a single page poem echoes the present day cases of injustice: 39 Friends.

The book has been praised by poet Haydar Ergülen and by critic Oğuz Demiralp in the book supplements of Hürriyet and Cumhuriyet respectively.
* Haydar Ergülen: “Günersel’s new book constitutes an epic that embraces 4000 years.”
* Oğuz Demiralp: “Since 1970s, Günersel has been developing a unique path with a few
words, keen in/sight, and a lot of essence. His poetry is not lyrical; it is based on intelligence, reason and knowledge –with satire. The poetic stories on Nero and Mehmed IV are based on his two plays. The progressive 15 th C. Korean King Sejong’s inspiring imaginary monologue should be read for the sake of the future.”

Günersel is preparing its English translation with Beverly Barbey.

Who can bring them back?

Those murdered children?
Which analysis?
Which gun factory?
Which doctor?
Which priest?
Which god?

What? An “intelligent design”?
O God! If you exist, please resign!

In Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2011, I read the poem I had written about the Bosnian tragedy in 1994. A university student recorded it:
Tarik Günersel Pjesma o Bosni

Types of AIDS

Abandoning Interests in favor of Developing Societies
Absolute Immunization against Disasters of Skepticism

Acquired Ideological Debate Syndrome
Agreeable Imbalance in Democracy for Security

Ahistorical Imperatives of Demand & Supply
Aid Illusion in Debt Strategy

Alarming Insubordination of Dependent Systems
Alienly Imposed Destructive Subconscious

Ally Interferences against our Deconstruction Strategies
Altruistic Inefficiency in Depression Season

Amoral Intervention against Dollar Salvation
Anal Intrusive Destabilization Strategies

Analytical Imperialism in Directing Support
Anthropomorphic Illusions in Developing Societies

Apocalyptic Inventions for our Development Strategies
Assification of International Democratic Socialism

Astonishing Incapac ty in Direct ng Secur ty

Autonomous Intelligibility of Data for Science
Axiomatic Illusions about Divine Stock-market


oyuncu olduğu


Şafak Fişek Casting – SOF Tanıtım
